Saturday, February 9, 2008
Chloe here.
I was forced by (the person who posted after me) to write a suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper extremely
long post about myself-.- LOL

(YAYA, more
COLOURFUL alrdy, happy? Hahaha)
Okok, sooo, my bday is coming soon, HELLO PRESSIES! ~
Hahah okaay wdve, im damn lame[: &NOOB too! :D:D
You can call me noob or chlopee or chloster or wdve you feel like calling me, i dont mind. Hahaha.
But best is noob uh, or chlopee cause i some kinda overreactive bladder I THINK, cause i keep on having to go to the toilet, but thats a good thing too cause i get to get rid of all the toxin in my body faster:D. HAHAHA.
Oh, aiyah, you all know that i'm damn short right, lol i think i'm the shortest in class haaah.
I lovelovelovelove high ppl, and ppl who has lives, not like those who doesnt have any life, like damn sian one.
I'm randommmm at times, haha and i love HAHA-ing and LOL-ing ALOT, i think its damn obvious alrdy haha.
But ar, you won't like me when i'm reallyreally pissed off oror like get very agitated.
Soo, yeaa. lol.
Ohoh, and im in guides (Zzz) -.-
Aiya, idk what to type alrdy la, so i'll just end here.