Sunday, February 17, 2008
STEPHaniesup y'all. steph here.
me? drummer,skater.
i dislike having to learn chinese. i speak german and am learning malay from my dear friend,SYAFIQAH.
geez syaf, you must be honored!
im not a very sane person,
and i enjoy self-mutilation.
i want to get a fauxhawk. i have a fetish for mohawks,fauxhawks,pony hawks and all sorts of, different kinds of HAWKS! hell yeah.
i dig stunts, rollerblades- my passion. i suck at skateboards and bmx, but i adore them oh-so much. scooters and heelys are so passe but still, their stunts are cool.
kindly support the youth olympics 2010, BMX BIKING especially!
i think im writing too much,
i love this class.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Introduction about ME! Your current Chairman. a.k.a Ardy.
Haiyo! I don't know what to write seh.. -__-
But ar, since i can put some pictures here, i will show some of those pictures to you!
So, lets rejoice haaaaaaaa....

Well, this "cool" picture is taken at the... don't know where lah, in Shanghai one. If i am not wrong, it was taken by H2O. LOL
............jump jump jump jump.........
Oh, and i like to hear Jason Mraz music! Let's celebrate because his new album is coming out! Yay!
My favourite movies are Music and Lyrics, Tuesdays With Morrie and Saving Private Ryan.
Hmmm, ok lah, i talk about my childhood a little bit.

Well, this is my beloved P6 class taken last year. You can see Osama who is 3rd from left and me doing something on the teacher's head. I don't know where clavin go lah, he za bot.. -____-
Anddd anddd andd this picture is taken
by someone soo cool! =D
Oh, and i am from Tanjong Katong Primary School. Cool school seh, 1/2 of the class are foreigners! Cool right! hahahahahaha
Ohhh! and i like weird toys, like 8-balls, and patrick the (Aquapets). haha
I am addicted to Eclipse mint now. ( i like the purple one )
Oh, Chinese is lame and gay. =D
Thats all for now. See y'all
Chloe here.
I was forced by (the person who posted after me) to write a suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper extremely
long post about myself-.- LOL

(YAYA, more
COLOURFUL alrdy, happy? Hahaha)
Okok, sooo, my bday is coming soon, HELLO PRESSIES! ~
Hahah okaay wdve, im damn lame[: &NOOB too! :D:D
You can call me noob or chlopee or chloster or wdve you feel like calling me, i dont mind. Hahaha.
But best is noob uh, or chlopee cause i some kinda overreactive bladder I THINK, cause i keep on having to go to the toilet, but thats a good thing too cause i get to get rid of all the toxin in my body faster:D. HAHAHA.
Oh, aiyah, you all know that i'm damn short right, lol i think i'm the shortest in class haaah.
I lovelovelovelove high ppl, and ppl who has lives, not like those who doesnt have any life, like damn sian one.
I'm randommmm at times, haha and i love HAHA-ing and LOL-ing ALOT, i think its damn obvious alrdy haha.
But ar, you won't like me when i'm reallyreally pissed off oror like get very agitated.
Soo, yeaa. lol.
Ohoh, and im in guides (Zzz) -.-
Aiya, idk what to type alrdy la, so i'll just end here.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hi, Ardy here! haaaaaaaaaaaa....
Well, i was kinda thinking of organizing a class outing someday, if it is possible. Well, i don't know if you guys are interested. I was thinking of maybe going ECP on the march holidays or as soon as everyone is fine with the date. I would tell everyone I am closer too first lah, because i don't know some of you guys in 3/1 yet.
And , if you recived news of this, PLEASE PLEASE!! spread the message around ah.. =)
I am also open to suggestions and your opinions lah...
Don't scared, i will not bite one... ahahahahaahha
Also, if you guys one the password for this blog, please ask ok? haha
Oh! and i would appreciate if you guys would type a little intro about yourselves here.
If you guys post a post, inform us arh!.
(no spamming the posts ar, the chat box can)
If you have anything to clarify with me about, please don't hesitate ar.
HP - 90990367